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A little about me

2 min read

After multiple taps to the screen of my IPad, I still feel uncertain if I am even doing this right…? But whatever, here we go.

So Hi! Welcome to my very first blog post EVER. I recently decided that I wanted to compile and share all of my hobbies and mountain life experiences in one place. My interests are fairly scattered and also depend a lot on the season as well as the weather. Before I tell you about what my interests are let me explain first that I live on top of a mountain (like, LITERALLY) in North Vancouver, BC, Canada. This mountain is a ski hill during the winter months and a place of many hiking trails as well as a tourist attraction in the summer months. It has been home to me for the last 6 or so years and I have learned to ride the waves of thigh deep snow walks and freezing pipes in the winter times to beautiful sunsets and amazing views in the summer months.

During the summer months I have been trying to make the most of our short season and attempt to figure out what’s worth trying to grow successfully and what I should just give up on. Pretty much all the other months of the year I juggle my full time job as an education assistant with the desire to continue to be creative. I have most recently been exploring my hand at using a potters wheel as well as learning to make Kandi outfits for my festival-going friends, but previously had been experimenting with learning the art of knot tying macramé and weaving dream catchers. Being a little ADHD, I tend to just skip around a bit, picking up and ditching things as I gain and lose interest (or just get distracted by something else I see… squirrel!) in them. So follow along if you wish to see images of snow covered mountains, the odd deer photo, failed pottery attempts, new garden and green house recreations as well as spicy festival outfits!


Sitting on the ground inside a green house.
Sitting on the ground inside a green house.
View from the top of a snowy mountain
View from the top of a snowy mountain